
Forex Avenger

Forex Aveng
Forex Avenger is one of the newest entries into the Forex trading system marketplace.

This system claims to be completely mechanical and that the creator of the system is hailed as being a genius. The creator’s name is Dave Curran.

A lot of what Dave has to say makes sense…such as "always trade with the trend". there is no doubt in anyone’s mind that the trend is indeed your friend. He also mentions preservation of capital. It’s rare to hear Forex product vendors speak in such practical terms so I decided to dig a little deeper into Forex Avenger.

Dave shows us a picture of a live account where he makes over 26% return in less than a month. returns like this can really get one’s head spinning and thinking that it would take many months of making a 26% return per month to retire comfortably. It is also interesting to note that Forex Avenger was traded in the account of another professional trader. The other trade is none other than Mark McCrae and Mark was even nice enough to send Dave Curran a letter confirming the return in his account. That’s pretty powerful.

For more Forex Avenger information click here.

Forex Beginners – Forex Definition

Forex Beginners – Forex Definition

November 5th, 2009 william No comments

The purpose of this website and blog, which is to help forex beginners (people interested in trading and novice traders) get a better understanding of the online forex trading so that they actually start trading and quickly become profitable traders,

As such, over the coming weeks and months, we’re going to start with the basics and build up from there.

Today, we’re going to define the term “Forex“…

The forex market, also known as the foreign exchange or the fx market, is the place where currencies are traded. It is the largest financial market in the world with an average traded value of over 4 trillion per day and includes all of the currencies in the world.

Compare that to the $25 billion that is traded on the New York Stock Exchange on a daily basis and you can easily see how enormous the forex market really is. It actually equates to more than 3 times the total amount of stocks and futures markets combined. Forex is tremendous!

But what exactly is traded on the forex market? The simple answer is money. It is the simultaneous buying of one currency and the selling of another. Currencies are traded through a broker and are always traded in pairs. A pair would be like the Euro and the US dollar pair (EUR/US) or the British Pound and the Japanese Yen pair (GBP/JPY)

See you tomorrow…

Forex Trading

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What Is Forex?


This is the first time that you hear about Forex? or Forex Exchange?
So the mean of the foreign exchange market, also referred to as the "Forex" or "FX" market that is the largest market in the world,that it make daily average turnover of 3.2 trillion Dollar.The "Foreign Exchange" is one of best simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of another.here is some example of Currencies are traded in pairs,so Euro/US Dollar (EUR/USD) or US Dollar/Japanese Yen (USD/JPY).


If you are see your shelf as speculators,we believe that the beat way to trade opportunities is the most commonly traded currencies.
You can see in those day, that there is more than 85% of the daily transactions involve trading,which include the US Dollar, Japanese Yen, Euro, British Pound, Swiss Franc, Canadian Dollar and Australian Dollar.in this kind of market you able to see all kind of Currencies money and to choose the best way for you to trade.


The most unique thing by triad in forex that is a true 24 hour market from Sunday 5:00 PM ET to Friday 5:00PM ET,and this kind of market move around the globe as the most efficient business market with each financial center, first to Tokyo, London, and New York.


The difference with other kind of financial market,that in the forex market you can respond to currency fluctuations caused by economic, social and political events at the time they occur,during trading hours,and in this way you can respond and protected your money and your investment.


Forex Counselor

Forex Avenger

Forex Avenger is one of the newest entries into the Forex trading system marketplace.

This system claims to be completely mechanical and that the creator of the system is hailed as being a genius. The creator’s name is Dave Curran.

A lot of what Dave has to say makes sense…such as "always trade with the trend". there is no doubt in anyone’s mind that the trend is indeed your friend. He also mentions preservation of capital. It’s rare to hear Forex product vendors speak in such practical terms so I decided to dig a little deeper into Forex Avenger.

Dave shows us a picture of a live account where he makes over 26% return in less than a month. returns like this can really get one’s head spinning and thinking that it would take many months of making a 26% return per month to retire comfortably. It is also interesting to note that Forex Avenger was traded in the account of another professional trader. The other trade is none other than Mark McCrae and Mark was even nice enough to send Dave Curran a letter confirming the return in his account. That’s pretty powerful.

For more Forex Avenger information click here.

Forex Answers

Forex Answers

1/ What is Forex?
The term ‘Forex’ is short-hand for ‘foreign exchange.’ Currency Trading is another term whcih is commonly used when talking about forex. The FOREX is a group of approximately 4500 currency trading institutions, including international banks, government central banks and commercial companies.The Forex Market is then the Foreign Exchange Market. Just as you have the stock market where stock are being exhanged (or bought and sold), in the forex market, what is being exchanged on this market is not stocks or bonds, but currencies (monies) from around the world.

Described another way, the Forex market is the place where U.S. dollars, Euros, Yen and other major currencies are bought and sold. It represents the largest financial market in the world by volume.

It may be interesting to note that the forex market is larger than all the other financial markets combined.

2/ How did the forex market begin?
The origins of the foreign exchange market date back to 1944, when The United Nations Monetary Fund convened in New Hampshire to develop a plan for the stabilisation of the world economy.

Up until World War II, the British Pound had been the monetary unit of choice when comparing the relative value of foreign currencies. However, Hitler’s regime managed to devalue the Pound by way of a massive counterfeiting scheme. Something had to be done quickly in order to avert a worldwide economic depression.

Out of this meeting in New Hampshire came the “Bretton Woods Accord”; a new policy implementing the Gold Standard, which tied the value the U.S. Dollar to the price of one ounce of gold. It was further agreed that the Dollar would replace the British Pound as the benchmark “currency of exchange”.

All other currencies were aligned to the Dollar, and a ‘fixed exchange rate” of +/- 1% was established. In other words, a foreign currency could fluctuate a maximum of 1% higher or lower than the Dollar. Any fluctuations beyond this limit required that the ‘offending’ nation’s central bank step in to correct the imbalance.

The Bretton Woods accord remained in effect until 1971, when it was determined that the U.S. dollar could no longer hold steady relative to gold. At this time, the ‘fixed exchange rate’ model was abandoned in favor of the ‘floating exchange rate’ we still use today.

3/ How Is The Forex Market Similar and Different To The To The Stock Market?
The basic principle of how profit is made in the stock market and the forex market is the same. if you buy and your chosen market goes up you are in a position to profit. If you sell and your chosen market moves downward you are also in a position to profit.

There are many aspects of the forex market that gives it an advantage over the stock market. Here are a few:

  • The forex market is operational 24 hours a day for 5 days a week, as opposed to the stock market which only allows trading during specific hours of the day. Futher, there are forex traders in every time zone who are willing to continually trade.
  • There is enormous liquidity in the forex market, since the market is open 24 hours and there is always a trader willing to buy or sell, making easy to trade most currencies.
  • There is the ability to profit in rising as well as falling markets
  • In many cases, you don’t have to to pay any commission on trades
  • The forex market allows leveraged trading. To put that in a simple way – you don’t need to have $100,000 to buy a contract for $100,000. You can the same contract using $1000. That’s a leverage ratio of 1:100! You can’t get that in the stock market. The $1000 dollars is all you invest and all you risk.

4/ Is It Difficult To Learn Forex Trading?
Forex trading isn’t hard or complicated. Forex trading can be done by following a set of simple instructions. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel in order to trade Forex successfully. Also you do not need to know every single detail about the Forex market in order to trade successfully. Just as you do not need to personally know everything about the internal combustion engine, but that does not keep you from successfully driving a car.

5/ Is the forex market risky?
The forex market is risky just as trading stocks. However, unlike trading stocks, in forex trading, you cannot lose more than your initial investment… and you can make unlimited profit. you should never risk more than you can afford to lose how does one profit from the forex market.

6/ Can the forex market give me financial freedom?
People have done well in the world of trading. You are probably familiar with Warren Buffet. Mr. Buffett is considered by many to be the world’s most successful investor and he is worth billions. He is basically the tip top example of what is possible in the financial markets. There are numerous other examples of people who have been extremely successful in the markets. These people serve as an example of the incredible potential available in the global financial markets.

7/ How do i get started?
Assuming that you are a complete newbie, start by learning the *forex basics*. This is the first step of a three part system to becoming a successful trader. Once you learned the basics, you should get to better know and understand the market. This can be done by reading daily and weekly market reviews and opening a *demo forex account* and practicing. Thirdly, you’ll want to learn the various trading techniques that professional traders use. One of the best programs available for novice traders is the Forex Trading Made EZ Program.

forex business

one of the key tools that sustain your forex business. The way they behave and change in the forex market can drastically affect the course of your forex market business so you need to effectively monitor their course since these currencies tend to fluctuate a lot. Actually, there are many different reasons why these currency rates constantly rise and fall in the market. One of the most general reasons why currency rates fluctuate is because they are all tied in with their specific countries. The events happening in every country make an impact on the currency rates that play in the forex market.

Here are some of the important factors you need to take note of when assessing the behavior of :

1. Economic behavior of the country – Revenues are the key defining mechanisms that would tell you how stable the currency rate is going to be. The larger the revenues are brought in, the more likely it is that the country will enjoy a stable rate performance. The economic standing of the country makes or breaks its currency because there can be a budget surplus if there are no deficits. As such, outgoing currencies will not be too hard and limited and therefore its value may be able to compete and rise in the midst of the forex market.

2. Trading process between other countries – The entrance and exit of foreign currencies are specifically dependent on the imports and exports that that country does. It is through trading that most countries often get different types of currencies streaming in their areas and it is also through trades that they get to empower their own currency. Conversion rates can also be affected by the level of imports done versus the exports. The more a country exports as compared to the level of its imports, the more likely it is that there will be a budget surplus which will increase the rates of their currency in the market.

On a more specific level, even the traders themselves have an upper hand when it comes to commanding the foreign currency exchange rates. International events fueled by health hazards, political issues, or even the global economic crisis can potentially hold off traders from resuming their exports and imports. During this process, there can be an influx of rates as their trading behavior change drastically.

3. Political backdrop – Yes, even the political situation in a particular country can command the flow of the current forex market ground and affect the foreign currency exchange rates. When political instability happens, chances are traders will opt to be at the backseat to watch things unfold. This is a necessary action because they wanted to avoid making uncalculated risks by investing in imports which might eventually turn on down note. Traders have a way of studying their forex market before they choose to finally plunge in. Aside from traders, other countries may also note the current position of a politically unstable country. Even something such as foreign travel may be halted which also contributes to currency trade.